All Ages

Activities for All Ages

Conversations About Faith

The Conversations about Faith is on Sundays at 9:00AM onsite in our Library. Participants are invited to share their own journeys in the conversation.

Family Camp

Lake Michigan Camp and Retreat Center is located south of Pentwater on Lake Michigan. FUMC uses this camp in early August for this wonderful experience.  It is a beautiful setting for learning, relaxing, sharing and being with family and friends of FUMC. The camp runs from Sunday afternoon to Saturday morning, but you may choose a shorter duration to meet your schedule.

Platform tents are available, as are cabins and camp sites for your own camping equipment. Picnic tables, electricity, water, campfire and bathroom facilities are at each campsite or nearby. A beautiful beach with volleyball, softball, tetherball, bicycles, kayaks, hiking trails, and other local attractions comprise the daytime activities. Evening gatherings include learning, singing, dance, capture the flag, a great race, or watching a movie.

The date for 2024 is August 4-10. Registration is now open.

Monday Evening Prayer

Monday Evening Prayers meets at 7:15pm Mondays via Zoom to share prayers and support each other through life. Contact the church office for the Zoom info.

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